Nikos Papatakis
Gloria mundi
1975. DCP, zvuk | sound, boja | colour, 130 min
Jean-Luc Godard
Najava filma koji nikada neće postojati: “Lažni ratovi” | Film annonce du film qui n’existera jamais: “Drôles de guerres” | Trailer of the Film That Will Never Exist: “Phony
2023. DCP, zvuk | sound, boja | colour, 20 min
Peter Brook
Marat/Sade – Progon i umorstvo Jean-Paula Marata kako ga predstavljaju zatvorenici
azila u Charentonu pod vodstvom markiza de Sadea | Marat/Sade – The Persecution and Assassination of
Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under
the Direction of the Marquis de Sade
1967. DCP, zvuk | sound, boja | colour, 116 min